
A Personal and Gentle Approach to Veterinary Physiotherapy

Growth. Spirit. Strength.

 AJ is a qualified hydro currently working 2 days a week at Carnfield Hall Canine Hydrotherapy and Physiotherapy with a variety of cases from musculoskeletal / Orthopaedic to fitness.

What is Hydrotherapy?

This is a form of therapeutic exercise carried out in warm water, in a pool or underwater treadmill.

The properties of water allow the animal to exercise in a partial or non-weight bearing environment. 

This gives increased circulation to muscles, increased joint flexibility and reduction in joint pain. The stabilising and buoyant effects of water allow re-mobilisation of joints which may not be possible when weight bearing out of water.

Prevention is better than cure

By incorporating home modifications, diet changes, regular targeted exercise and more helps to ensure that the need for chronic medication is reduced or eliminated for as long as possible.

Most animals will benefit greatly from hydrotherapy as a form of exercise:

  • Any animal that requires improvements in core strength, proprioception, gait modification, flexions, extension, muscle bulk, cardiovascular and muscle endurance will benefit from hydrotherapy.

  • Atrophy (muscle wastage) begins within 3 days of any immobilisation so hydrotherapy either in the pool or on the aquatic treadmill helps prevent further weakness or injury through safe exercise.

  • Water resistance is also useful for muscle strengthening and cardiovascular training whilst the pressure of the water can reduce oedema and swelling.

Conditions that benefit from hydrotherapy

  • Orthopaedic

  • Neurological

  • Soft tissue injuries

  • Conditions relating to age (developmental conditions in the young and degenerative conditions in the older animal)

  • Degenerative and medical conditions, including

    • Cruciate ligament rupture – post operative or conservative management

    • Hip dysplasia

    • Elbow dysplasia

    • Luxating patella

    • Arthritis

    • Degenerative myelopathy (CDRM)

    • Spinal injuries, including IV disc rupture and fractures

    • Spondylosis

    • Age related mobility

    • Obesity control

Some conditions may require utilisation of both the pool and treadmill although there can be a preference by the individual animal.

Most often, gait re-education is performed in the underwater treadmill, whereas general strengthening, cardiovascular conditioning and joint mobilisation can be performed in the pool. Generally post operative animals are able to have treatment in the treadmill earlier, depending on the condition.

Find out more about the benefits of both: pool vs treadmill

My passion is to use a whole animal approach to their physical, mental and emotional problems – enabling them to be the very best version of themselves.

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    Livery, field, yard or event - We can provide specialist physiotherapy for your horse.

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  • Cows in field

    Farm Animals

    Cow, pig, llama or goat, we can provide onsite specialist care for your farm animals.

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    Tellington TTouch

    Helps improve circulation, release tension, calm and promote a sense of well being.

  • Collie having Hydrotherapy


    Therapeutic non-weight bearing exercise in either in warm pool or underwater treadmill.

I work as part of a team alongside vets, dentists, farriers and trainers to ensure the best outcome.